3rd Grade Supply List

Fork Shoals School
3rd Grade Supply List

¨     A 1” binder with plastic insert cover & inside pockets
¨     4 different colored marble composition notebooks   
       (100 page)
¨     A 6 pack of Elmer’s glue sticks
¨     1 box of colored pencils
¨     1 box of Dixon Ticonderoga No. 2 pencils (30 count)
¨     2 boxes of eraser caps
¨     1 pack - 200 count wide-ruled notebook paper
¨     2 different colored, heavy duty vinyl pocket folders
       with 3 prongs       (Recommended Brand: MeadJ)
¨     1 family-size box of tissues
¨     4 black dry erase markers
¨     2 highlighters
¨     1 pack of sheet protectors

* Dixon Ticonderoga No. 2 pencils (We can never have too many pencils!)
* Ear Buds for computer use
* Colored printer paper
* Zip-loc sandwich and gallon bags
* Family-size hand sanitizer

**Please do NOT send items that are not on the supply list. **